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Original price was: €134.Current price is: €109. (87 ex. vat)
Original price was: €376.Current price is: €299. (239 ex. vat)
Original price was: €209.Current price is: €189. (151 ex. vat)
Original price was: €160.Current price is: €129. (103 ex. vat)
Original price was: €469.Current price is: €403. (322 ex. vat)
Original price was: €536.Current price is: €403. (322 ex. vat)
Available from remote warehouse!

Telefunken DC7 Dynamic DRUM Mic Pack

2.966 (2.373 ex. vat)
Available from remote warehouse!

Telefunken DC6 Dynamic DRUM Mic Pack

2.718 (2.174 ex. vat)
Available from remote warehouse!

Telefunken DD5 Dynamic DRUM Mic Pack

1.930 (1.544 ex. vat)
Available from remote warehouse!

Telefunken DD4 Dynamic DRUM Mic Pack

1.675 (1.340 ex. vat)
Available from remote warehouse!

Shure Beta52

188 (150 ex. vat)