The SC307 is a powerful monitor perfectly suited for near- and midfield monitoring. And, in surround set ups, it will work excellently as a center channel too.
The midfield monitor combines the power from three different amplifiers to deliver a very efficient, dynamic and low noise sound reproduction.
Our three-way systems are developed for critical and detailed listening. Although they will be able to provide lots of power and thunderous bass frequencies, they will also excel if you’re looking for a precise and very detailed pair of speakers.
Costantino Carrara
Efficient sound reproduction
Our three-way systems are designed around the concept to distribute the frequencies properly between all individual components and raise the efficiency of your speakers effectively.
In our three-way systems, each driver (woofers or tweeter) gets its own amplifier. One of the woofers serves frequencies up to 300 Hz as a kind of „bass‟ whilst the other woofer gives you a fuller range as a bass-midrange driver, up to the 3000 Hz crossover frequency. From that frequency on, our AMT tweeter takes over. This minimizes interference between the drivers and also allows the SC307 to deliver a very efficient and dynamic sound reproduction.
What this design philosophy means is that less effective physical work is being made by each individual woofer, as the band of frequencies to be reproduced are divided between both woofers. This in turn will result in less mechanical inertia and a more efficient sound transmission.