Navnet Rupert Neve er synonymt med det ultimative indenfor mixer-design. Hans pulte og enheder har sat deres præg på recording og mix gennem mere end 50 år, og fortsætter med at gøre det.
5088 er kulminationen af Rupert Neve’s årelange kendskab til lyd; det er hans første “all discrete” mixerdesign i over 30 år og 5088 forbedrer og bygger videre på mange af de samme koncepter som har gjort Neve så kendt.
Rupert Neve 5088 er en custom console i traditionel stil, og kan konfigureres helt efter hvad man måtte ønske.
5088 er i udgangspunkt en expandable 16 kanals line mixer som giver 8 gruppe busser, 8 auxiliary sends, 4 stereo effekt returns og en stereo ourput bus. Denne basisopbygning giver et stabilt fundament til at konfigurere mixeren efter ønske, herunder at tilføje pre-amps, eq og dymanik fra Portico eller Shelford linien af moduler, eller tilføje endnu flere input kanaler.
Kontakt os for tilbud og konfigurationsmuligheder.
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The 5088 is an expandable 16-channel line mixer that provides 8 group busses, 8 auxiliary sends, 4 stereo effects returns and a stereo output buss. That basic functionality of input and output routing, meters and faders provides a solid foundation on which you can build an analogue console to satisfy your own particular requirements, adding, for example, microphone preamplifiers, equalization and dynamics processing from the Portico line of modules – or even more input channels – to suit your facility’s needs.
High voltage, discrete op-amp cards
The all-new, fully discrete analogue architecture in the 5088 represents a culmination of Rupert’s vast analogue circuitry knowledge. Custom, high voltage and discrete op-amp cards have been designed especially for the 5088 that eliminate crossover distortion entirely. The new op amp cards offer extended headroom, dynamic range, and frequency response while generating exceptionally low noise and distortion.
„The real power of the 5088 lies hidden within the discrete, single-sided circuit topology and transformer-coupled inputs and outputs that produce 10dB greater dynamic range than any of my previous designs. The dynamic range is actually extended downwards to encompass the extremely small, often out-of-band signals – usually ignored – that go to complete our listening perspective, making sounds warmer, sweeter and fuller, apparently affecting the low and mid frequencies.
The significance of this enormous dynamic range and the frequency response that extends comfortably towards 100kHz lies in the ability of the 5088 to source, retain and mix the microscopically tiny signals that are essential to retention and enhancement of the full soundscape.‟
Transform your sound
As a staunch advocate of transformer-based designs, Rupert has included custom-designed transformers on every single input and output of the 5088, electrically isolating the console with a true floating ground while also imparting the sweet sound quality of his classic, sought-after designs.
„Transformers are the reason why my original Consoles are still re-used, re-cycled and re-configured so successfully. From the earliest days all my designs, both inputs and outputs, were transformer-coupled. An audio transformer cannot be entirely successful without including the electronic circuit in the design because it works as an integrated package.
The value of a transformer, correctly used, lies in the total galvanic isolation it provides, giving freedom from ground loops and RF interference. Even microscopic levels of interfering signals cause loss of musicality and introduce unpredictable harshness and loss of definition.
Of course, transformers that are not correctly configured for a particular application can introduce astonishing results! Audio transformer design is almost as much an art as a science…which may be why many circuit designers avoid them.‟
Completely Modular Design
The modular channel architecture of the 5088 means dependability, expandability, and flexibility. The system’s modularity ensures easy maintenance and repair. It also allows custom configurations to be created with a larger input channel count, as well as the addition of Portico signal processing modules.
As your studio grows, your 5088 can also grow with the addition of more input channels. If the focus of your work changes over time or your audio systems evolve, you can adapt to meet the new challenges by reconfiguring the console accordingly.
The 5088 is a fundamentally different console philosophy, very carefully thought-out so that you don’t have to waste money paying for functionality that you will never use. Instead of adding bells and whistles, Rupert and his team have focused on designing the most efficient, direct, and sweetest-sounding audio paths through a console that integrates seamlessly with any outboard gear in the world.